If you have submitted a photo that has been approved, there is no need to submit another photo. If you have not submitted a photo, or if your photo has been denied, please follow the photo submission guidelines below. If your photo has been denied, DO NOT keep submitting the same photo hoping for a different outcome. Please view the Pick Up Instructions page.

Upload your photo and have it ready for pick-up. Submitting a photo is quick and easy. Remember to choose your photo carefully. It will serve as your identity photo for the entire time you are at UC Santa Cruz and be viewed by all.

Acceptable Photo Samples

Similar to a passport photo, your photo should be a recent photo taken straight-on against a plain white or off-white background with eyes looking directly at the camera. The photo is taken from shoulders up with some blank space between the top of the head and top edge of the photo.

Unacceptable Photo Samples

Photo Guidelines

  • Should be cropped slightly above head to the middle of the chest
  • Should be taken against a white or off-white only background. No patterned background (like tiles or a door)
  • No other people, pets, or props should be in your photo.
  • Must be a color photo
  • Scanned photos are not accepted
  • Must be wearing visible clothing/shirt
  • The head may not be tilted and must be positioned directly facing the camera
  • Eyes should be open and looking at the camera
  • Have someone else take your photo- No selfies Front view, full face, open eyes, and natural expression
  • No shadows on the face or in the background
  • No sunglasses, hats, beanies, headbands, scarves, and headwear coverings unless present for religious reasons
  • JPG format only
  • Image 600x800 pixels

Your Banana Slug Card is your Student ID Card and is your passport to all things slug. Please visit the Campus Orientation and the ID Card Services webpage for additional details about your Student ID Card and the associated services that your card provides.

After agreeing, review the photo guidelines and click the below link to upload your photo. Only one photo may be submitted. Please allow 1-3 business days for photo processing. You will be notified via email when your photo has been approved or rejected. Please contact the UCSC ID Card Services by clicking here or by phone at 831-459-2990 with any questions or concerns regarding the upload process.

UCSC ID Card Services reserves the right to reject any photo submitted that is not in compliance with these guidelines. A valid government-issued photo ID is required to receive your Campus Card.